Nursery School


The Cathedral of St. Paul Nursery School is a preschool program for 2 and 3 year-old children.  Our program is designed to enrich children’s intellectual growth, as well as their social and emotional development, in a nurturing and spiritual setting.  Our student to teacher ratio is small to accommodate children's individual needs and attention.

Our goal is to encourage your children to become creative thinkers and independent learners.  Our facilities consist of student-centered classrooms, indoor gym, and outdoor playground.  Parents are welcome to visit our facilities to meet our staff.  Please contact our office for registration forms and/or more information (516) 483-5700.  We look forward to meeting you!

Our program offers:

  • 2 year old – Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday - 9:30 am - 11:30 am
  • 3 year old – Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 


New Facilities

We have a new dedicated nursery school building on our large green campus.  We also have a large new playground in a secure location adjacent to the nursery school building.

COVID Precautions

We will be following several precautions including:

  • Small Class sizes
  • Regular testing of teachers
  • Maximum out door time
  • Daily cleanup and disinfection
  • Daily symptom check

  Our detailed COVID plan addresses State guidelines.

  Contact Us!

  516 483 5700  or


Curriculum Overview Download

The Cathedral of St. Paul Nursery School began operation in the Fall of 2007 as a joint effort of the Clergy, Parish Council and a group of parents who want to give their children a nursery school experience with a christian perspective at very affordable tuition rates.


We believe that a child who feels good about himself or herself is ready to try anything. At The Cathedral of St. Paul Nursery School we use a positive approach to real life opportunities for learning and advancement of skills.

We provide a unique and innovated program to assist children’s development using various hands on activities. We do not model. We open a child’s eyes to the world of nature, language and music. We are confident that we can help your child grow socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually.

The most wonderful part of our program is the opportunity given to learn how to socialize with one’s peers in an atmosphere that provides both acceptance and limits, so essential to a young child’s development.


There is a structural routine in each classroom.  Nonetheless, a teacher’s plans are kept flexible to accommodate changes in interests, moods, or weather. There are alternate periods of quiet and active play, as well as a balance of indoor and outdoor activities.

The “working” period of the program allows the children to participate and share in a variety of activities. Today your child may choose independent play with the puzzles books or blocks: yesterday (s)he joined a group in the doll corner, dressing up and washing dishes. Tomorrow, it might be the easel or the clay or some other activity that appeals to him/her. Opportunities will also be provided for singing, rhythmic play, or listening to a story.

After a mid-session snack the children dress to go out. Our outdoor play areas provide for many activities. There will be ample facilities for a variety of outdoor play some of which provide additional opportunities for physical development.

On days when the weather does not permit us to go outside, we will have special indoor equipment that meets the physical needs of our active children. Quiet table games give us a change of pace when needed.
Trips are a very important part of our program as they stimulate and enrich classroom activities. Some of the planned/anticipated trips will be a visit to a farm in the fall, and the purchase of pumpkins.

Parental and Guardian Obligations

  • One parent should attend our Orientation meetings.
  • We ask each family to assist in fund raising for the special needs of the school


Bad Weather

We are closed when Garden City Public Schools are closed. School will also be closed when driving conditions are hazardous. Our Director will make this decision. You will also receive notice advising of closings or early dismissals in the event of hazardous weather or other emergency conditions.

Conferences  - Teachers will arrange a mutually convenient time.

Confidentiality of Student Records

Our entire staff including the clergy, church employees, volunteers, etc. is committed to maintaining confidentiality. Student records are open only to the particular child’s teacher, clergy and to the School Board, only if necessary. We are a team of professionals, who will work together to brainstorm solutions, sharing techniques and recommending resources. Hence, it is appropriate and standard procedure that a teacher may address a particular problem to the educational team, or, as otherwise deemed necessary, without disclosing the family name.

Additionally, at any time, the teacher may keep the Nursery School Committee members apprised of any ongoing situation, without disclosing the family name, and with the understanding that this information is strictly confidential.

Snack and Lunch

We are an all nut free zone school.  Parents are responsible to provide a healthy snack and lunch daily.

If your child has serious allergies, please be sure to discuss this with the teacher prior to Registration. A list of children with allergies will be posted in the classroom. Although the teacher and assistant teacher will be vigilant respecting food allergies, it is always required that each supervising adult (teacher, assistant teacher or parent) participates and checks the allergy list before serving any snack.

Communication with Parents

Our primary means of communication is by email, remind app and notices in student backpacks. Important notices, reminders, and projects are sent home in the backpacks. Therefore, it is important to equip your child with a roomy and sturdy backpack and to check your child’s backpack every school day.

You may communicate with other members or our staff and even pay tuition via the backpack. Please make sure your notes are clearly labeled with the address and name.  



The importance of a good initial adjustment of your child to school cannot be over-emphasized. We have a few suggestions that may help ease the transition from home to school. When you speak to your child about nursery school, mention some of the things or people there. Be as casual about it as possible and do not build up the things the children will do there.

We always welcome parents to our program, but feel after your child’s initial adjustment to school, any additional observations need to be set up with prior permission of the teacher and Director.



Beginning at 9am, parents may enter through the double doors by the Church office and proceed to bring their child to the classroom downstairs.  The doors will be open from 8:55 to 9:10.


The children are dismissed from their classroom. Pickup begins at various times with the 2, 3 and 4 year old classes:

 2 year old class – Pickup is at 11:30 am

 3 and 4 year old classes – there are two dismissal times with the 3 and 4 year old classes

Half day students must be picked up at 11:55 am

Extended Session students must be picked up at 2:00 pm


The staff is informed of safety rules, special hazards, and commonly occurring accidents. They receive detailed instruction on evacuation procedures, use of fire extinguishers and how to report an accident. The teacher and school committee inspect the facility for hazards on a continual basis.

Any time the children leave the building as a group, they are required to walk in an orderly fashion and will be accompanied by two adults.


  • Fire — A fire evacuation plan and alternative is drawn and posted in the school. The 911 emergency number and the exact address of the building are posted by the telephone. Fire drills will be held two times a year, one in fall and one in spring. Emergency power pack lights, and fire extinguishers are checked yearly for proper function. In the event of a fire, the building shall be immediately evacuated. A designated staff member may attempt to extinguish the fire while the building is being evacuated provided there are two adults to ensure that the students are safely evacuated to the designated emergency shelter.
  • Blizzard — In the event of a blizzard when parents are not able to pick up their children, the staff will house the children at the facility until a parent, guardian or a predetermined emergency contact person can pick them up.
  • Power Failure -Two flashlights in working order are kept in the classroom. Power pack emergency lights are installed to light each exit.


All students must submit evidence of a current medical examination dated no earlier than June 1st of the current school year.

Children’s Health

  • Health Care Summary - Each child is required to have on file, a health care statement obtained from the Nursery School, which includes a record of a physical examination up-to- date immunizations and the signature of the child’s source of medical care. A child’s health care statement must be submitted by the first day of school or within 14 days thereafter. If we do not have the health care statement within 14 days after the start of school, the child will be excluded from the program. Please note that the health care statement may not be dated more than 90 days prior to the start of school, (e.g. no earlier than June 1st for September enrollment). A physician, public health nurse, or preschool screening clinic may do this physical.
  • Emergency Procedures - In the event of a serious accident or illness requiring emergency care, the child’s parent guardian, or authorized person shall be notified immediately.
  • Accident Reports — An Accident Report shall be completed for each accident except minor scratches and abrasions. The report shall be made as soon as possible following the accident, filed in the Accident Log, and one copy shall be given to the parent



The following procedures and guidelines have been developed to prevent and protect our children from the spread of disease.

  • When children arrive at school, they should be in good health and free from symptoms of contagious disease. Symptoms of contagious disease can be, but not limited to: earache, runny nose, irritability, swollen glands, fever, diarrhea, headache, rash, sore throat, heavy cough, red or running eyes, unusual drowsiness or vomiting. All parents will be immediately notified of the above.  Children with the above symptoms will be sent home for care.
  • If your child develops any of the following illnesses, please notify the Church office immediately: chickenpox, fifth disease, head lice, conjunctivitis (pink eye), impetigo, strep throat, meningitis or mononucleosis.
  • Please inform the teacher regarding any questionable behavior or emotional behavior before school.
  • Please call the Church office or tell the teacher through the Remind app if your child will be absent, so that we can inform the teacher.
  • Do not send your child to school following a night with fever or vomiting, even if your child wakes up without any fever or vomiting the following morning. They have to be 24 hours free of fever or vomiting before attending school
  • Be sure a child is no longer contagious from strep throat before he/she returns to school.
  • Children returning from an illness must be well enough for full participation.
  • When a child becomes ill at school. (1) he/she will be brought to the Church office to rest; (2) the parent will be notified to pick up the child: (3) in the event that we cannot reach you, the emergency contact phone numbers you have provided will be used.
  • The school adopts the standard of the health department regarding the incubation periods of communicable diseases.
  • The teacher/Director reserves the right to exclude a child from class if she thinks he/she is infectious.


Many of the students in our 2 (two) and 3 (three) year old program are either getting ready to toilet train or are already working toward wearing big boy/girl underpants. It is not uncommon that one of our children will have a bowel movement while in school.

It is our policy not to embarrass this child or call any undue attention. We immediately phone the parent to arrange for them to come to diaper their child. Our teachers and aides do not change diapers.

While we realize that a dirty diaper is certainly not an emergency, it is unpleasant for the child who might develop a rash, the odor unpleasant to the staff and class, and more seriously, the possibility exists of leakage that might contaminate floors, chairs and other surfaces. Accordingly, in order to avoid discomfort to the child and unsanitary conditions at the school, each parent of a child enrolled in our toddler or three-year-old program will be asked to furnish the Director with a phone, beeper or cellular phone number to reach the parent in the event the child needs a diaper change. In addition, the parent will be asked to furnish the name and phone number of a friend or relative who will change the child’s diaper in the event the parent is unavailable.


Cathedral of St. Paul Nursery School
110 Cathedral Avenue
Hempstead, New York 11550

516-483-5700 /



Upcoming Events

Orthros 7:45am / Divine Liturgy 9:00am
Jul 28 7:45 am
Arts & Crafts --SSO
Jul 30 12 pm
Fasting is Observed Today
Jul 31 7 am
Fasting Period of the Church
Aug 1 7 am
Aug 1 6 pm

2024 Stewardship Form

Resources and Links

Our Orthodox Faith

Services Schedule

Sundays: Orthros - 7:45 AM |  Divine Liturgy - 9:00 AM

Tuesdays: Paraklesi - 10:00am

For information on all weekly Liturgies and Services please visit our calendar page or contact the Church office at (516) 483-5700

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